Your Other Side

When Papa comes home, will you show this side of you to him?

I surely hope so!


I love you my sweet dear child.


Staying at Home With You

My darling girl,

I am sorry for not being able to write letters to you for some time now. Mama has been very busy, but I know this shouldn't be an excuse for neglecting my promise to write to you as often as poss-ible.

As you have noticed, mama has been staying at home with you for a few days now. Do you know why? Because Mama has chosen to be a full-time Mom to you and a full-time wife to your Papa. Yes, I stopped working because I want to witness you growing up and helping you to become a fine young lady. It was a hard leap for me, but with faith I know that I have made the right decision.

It was a difficult change for me, for it was proven that maybe I did not know you that much while I was at work. I have always known you to be a sweet behaved child - greeting me with love, kisses, and embraces whenever I go home, and waking me up in the morning with the loveliest smile you could make.

However, it is just now that I am seeing a different side of you. The fierce toddler, the one who wants to get whatever she wants. Now i frown upon this, young lady, and though I have taken it the negative way, i have come to realize that i should take this as an opportunity to guide you to become a well-behaved child. Not too strict, but just strict enough. Not too serious, just serious enough.

I am looking forward to getting to know you more my baby girl. Everything for you. I promise that each day will be a good one for us, both for us to learn and explore life.

I love you,


Eversince You Became 2

My dear lovely daughter,

IS it just psychological (on my part), or is it real that ever since you became two, you became brattier than ever, more demanding than before, and have "matured" in a sense that you became more aware of what you want and what you don't want.

All the same, you are still a sweet child more often than not, and you still know if Mama disapproves of your behavior. One "Aaaay" and you run to me crying, seeking comfort, feeling whether I will cuddle you and "forgive" you or not.

In other developments, you can now hold an adult glass for you to drink water. Whatever I eat, whatever I drink, whatever I do, you want that you eat, drink, and do.

Now for words... "bubbles", "mine", "give me", "toss" (before drinking water). Still no sentences of three-word phrases but I guess it's ok. Sooner or later you will begin to speak more legible words and phrases. What is important is you are able to express yourself either thru actions, words, or even thru your tantrums.


I love you always.

The Little Lady Turns Two!

My dear sweet child,

Time flies so fast. I remember the time when I first held you in my arms, you little plump baby. First glimpse of you, and I felt like I was in heaven, the happiest mother/woman/person in the world. I nurtured you, had sleepless nights to feed you and care for you. Bathed you with love, cuddled you and kissed you a million times a day.

You turned one last year, but you still looked like a baby, stills cared with the music, with the sight of a lot of people greeting you. I was quite sure you felt uncomfortable during your birthday celebration. After all, you really were still a baby.

Now, your turn two. To my eyes you are still the baby I have cuddled and kissed and cared for, but I know that you are growing up, no longer a baby. You are a little lady, very sweet, very joyful. You have a very happy disposition. Yes, tantrums here and there, but you know it when you did something wrong, and that you turn to me for comfort whenever I reprimand you. Every time I see you today, I can't help but feel teary-eyed. I'm so happy to have a little daughter, but I also feel scared, worried that I am not giving you all the best you can have. I try of course, but I am still not confident enough. Maybe this is part of being a mother, always feeling that she has not done enough for her child. But I promise I will do my best to be the best mother I can be to you.

I want to be your loving mother, guide, best friend, everything. I want you to feel comfortable with me, I want you to share your life with me. That's how much I love you my young one.

At the same time, I promise to be a very good role model and teacher to you. Though I lavish you with gifts and expensive items, I will show you and teach you the ways of the world, that we should be generous, giving, and be humble. We started out with humble families, your Papa and I. We are enjoying the fruits of our labor but never once do we turn back on our roots, never once do we forget our humble beginnings. You are very blessed to be born in a comfortable and good life. But yes, I vow to teach you and make you aware.

And of course, I promise to raise you to be a good Christian, a true child of God, a true follower of our Lord Jesus Christ. It makes me happy that whenever we go to Mass and celebrate our Lord's day, you already know the concept of hearing Mass. You sit still (a little distractions here and there), pray whenever we pray, sing whenever we sing, with your hands raised up.

I love you my little one. I only pray that you grow up to be a fine lady with a good heart, clear and sharp mind, pure soul, and healthy body. With the grace of God, I promise to guide, guard and lead you.

Happy birthday my sweet baby Eanna.

Lots of love,


Pottie- Trained

My sweet child,

I am so proud that after one day of not wearing any diapers, you now know how to tell us if you need to wee-wee or poo-poo. That is a big achievement honey, and I feel so happy whenever you call out to me "Mama" while pointing at your little flower.

I already told your Papa and he's so happy too.

Keep up the good work my honey.

I love you always,


Rain Boots for You

Papa reprimanded me for buying you too much stuff. But I can't help it. You're my living Barbie doll. You look so adorable!

So here you are with your two sets of boots.

I love you my little fashionista!

Show Your Teeth